My second authored book will be published soon in Springer!
My second authored book Intelligent Web Data Management: Software Architectures and Emerging Technologies will be published soon in Springer!
My second authored book Intelligent Web Data Management: Software Architectures and Emerging Technologies will be published soon in Springer!
Thanks for everyone who always stay with me.
We are collaborating with ePaMuS 2016 and International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (an EI indexd journal) to organize a special issue. Authors of all accepted papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of their papers to Inderscience IJGUC Special issue.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
-Parallel Algorithms and Solvers
-Scheduling, Load Balancing and Resource Allocations
-Parallel Programming Models, Libraries and Frameworks
-Message-Passing Programming
-Thread-based Programming
-Architectures, Networking and Memory Hierarchies
-Performance Analysis, Simulation Models and Tools
-Software Engineering , Design and Development for Parallel and Multi-core Systems
-Multi-core Embedded Systems
-Energy-aware Multi-core Systems
-Java Technologies for Multicore Systems
-Applications (High Performance, eScience applications, Video Games, Aero-space, etc.) on Parallel and Multi-core systems.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 16th, 2016
Conference Dates: July 6-8, 2016
We are collaborating with CLOUDTECH 2016 and International Journal of Services Technology and Management (an EI indexd journal) to organize a special issue on Big Data Management in the Cloud. This special issue aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and progress in the Big data in Cloud Computing area. Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
-Big data in the cloud
-Big Data as a Service
-Cloud computing techniques for big data
-Big data as a service
-Big data in pervasive computing
-Big data management
-Security applications of big data
-Big data for enterprise
More information is detaild in the link.
IJDTA-253 is published.
Core Point Evolution Paper is published
WSEAS-5805-1141 is accepted.
My recent software engineering teaching paper is online.
Another educational paper is accepted.
After 9 months in review, my second paper related with software engineering teaching is online by International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (EI indexed). The first paper related with software engineering teaching is "Project-Driven Learning-by-Doing Method for Teaching Software Engineering using Virtualization Technology".
We are collaborating with CLOUDTECH 2016 and Recent Patents on Computer Science (an EI indexd journal) to organize a special issue on Recent Advances in Big Data Management. This special issue aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and progress in the Big data in Cloud Computing area. Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
-Architectures and Applications of Big Data
-Big Data as a Service
-Big Data in Pervasive Computing
-Big Data Security and Privacy
-Big Data for Enterprise
-Datacenter and Big Data in Cloud
More information is detaild in the link.
After nearly 11 months' review, BSP-CSENG-2014-61 is accepted by Recent Patents on Computer Science (EI indexed journal).